

The Material contained on this blog is for information/general discussion purposes only. You should make your own enquiries and take independent advice tailored to your specific circumstance prior to making any decisions. Your use of this blog is at your sole risk.

 We make no representations or warranties:
(a) in relation to any of the Material on this blog (including any warranties as to the quality, accuracy, completeness or fitness for any particular purpose of such Material);
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BAB (brumealex blog) does not guarantee constant or uninterrupted access to this blog and shall accept no responsibility or liability for any interruption or delay. Most of the tips on this blog have been tested but i cant guarantee that it will work perfectly on your system but i will recommend you test them first on a VIRTUAL MACHINE like VMWARE or VPC which i do use.

The Information on this blog is not to be used illegally, BAB will not be held responsible for your usage either legally or illegally. You use the information for at your own will/risk. We recommend you use it to help reduce the cost of maintaining your system and other related information posted on this blog. Your comment on this blog reflect your own view and not the view of BAB, we cannot also speak for the effectiveness of links, downloads and other credit i share on this blog. BAB reserve the rights to modify this T&C with or without prior notification.

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