Monday, February 11, 2013


To hide all the items on the desktop go to start --> run. type regedit & press .Go to
and create a new DWORD value "NoDesktop" (Without quotes) and set its value to "1". Restart the computer for the new settings to take place.

Same for the following things. In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer you have to creat a new DWORD value & set its value to 1.
That's it. See what all u can do with regedit.Take a look at the following:-

1. "Clearrecentdocsonexit" : CLEARS RECENT DOCUMENTS ON EXIT
2. “NoDeletePrinter” : Disables Deletion of already installed Printers
3. “NoDrives” : Hides and does not display any Drives in My Computer
4. “NoClose” : Disables Shutdown and prevents the user from normally shutting down Windows.
5. “NoSaveSettings”: Means to say, 'Don't save settings on exit'.
6. “NODispCPL: Hides Control Panel
7. “NoDispBackgroundPage”: Hides Background page.
8. “NoDispScrsavPage”: Hides Screen Saver Page
9. “NoDispAppearancePage”: Hides Appearance Page
10. “NoDispSettingsPage”: Hides Settings Page
11. “NoSecCPL”: Disables Password Control Panel
12. “NoPwdPage”: Hides Password Change Page
13. “NoAdminPaqe”: Hides Remote Administration Page
14. “NoProfilePage”: Hides User Profiles Page
15. “NoDevMgrPage”: Hides Device Manager Page
16. “NoConfigPage”: Hides Hardware Profiles Page
17. “NoFileSysPage”: Hides File System Button
18. “NoVirtMemPage”: Hides Virtual Memory Button
19. “NoRun” : Disables or hides the Run Command
20. “NoSetFolders” : Removes Folders from the Settings option on Start Menu (Control Panel, Printers, Taskbar)
21. “NoSetTaskbar” : Removes Taskbar system folder from the Settings option on Start Menu
22. “NoFind” : Removes the Find Tool (Start >Find)
23. “NoNetHood” : Hides or removes the Network Neighborhood icon from the desktop
24. “DisableRegistryTools” : Disable Registry Editing Tools (If you disable this option, the Windows Registry Editor(regedit.exe) too will not work.
25. “NoRecentDocsHistory” : Removes Recent Document system folder from the Start Menu (IE 4 and above)

To return back to normal state, type "YES" to replace "NO" or simply delete and restart. Also feel free to drop your comment in appreciation, any addition or ommision to help other readers.

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