EverPassword is a great tool that will manage your passwords for
various websites, as well as other private information such as credit card and
bank account information. It uses a 256 bit encryption to keep your data
secure, can sync data across more than one device or platform, and it’s free
for anyone to download and use
Note that Ever Password is a vault for all types of private information, not a browser-integrated auto-fill-as-you-browse password manager like LastPass or Dashlane.
Security is always a concern for anyone who uses the internet in anything more than a passing manner. The fact is, according to some sources, that someone has their identity or other personal information (like passwords) stolen every four seconds. That sounds like a lot of crime, but the other side of it is that there are plenty of ways to protect yourself and your data so that no one has the chance to steal it. Combine this fact with the concept of automatic password management and you might come up with something a lot like Ever Password.
Ever Password is one of the easier password managers I have used. Those familiar with iPhone or Mac password managers will probably feel right at home with Ever Password, and it works on Windows quite well. Even those who have never used a password or data manager will have no trouble getting started, as the program leads you step by step through the process of entering, saving, and securing any data you see fit to put in. For example, Ever Password can store credit card data securely, which might make more sense to some people than letting their browser handle such sensitive data. It also handles email accounts, site memberships, and bank information. All of these are optional, as you only enter the info you feel comfortable having handled by the Ever Password encryption.
You’ll need to create a master account on the website first, but this is a fast and pain-free process consisting merely of giving an email address and creating a password. The TOS is also available at this point, detailing the agreement and their service policy. Note that there’s no cost involved and the TOS along with the Privacy Policy does explain in detail the security measures used to keep your information private. While I won’t go into detail on that here, suffice to say that it impressed me enough to feel secure using the program for my sensitive information.
Once you’ve signed up for your account, just run the program and you’ll be able to immediately start entering your data into the system. While this can be a tedious process, the upside is that ostensibly you won’t have to do it again for any page in the future. While I have approved and expounded on the advantages of using third party software to manage passwords and other private information, I feel it worth noting here that Ever Password bears a strong resemblance to one or two other programs I have used that I thought were very worthwhile, and it seems to match that level of quality. I’d recommend anyone give it a try, if they’re looking to consolidate and easily manage their secure data. Since it costs you nothing, you’re not risking anything just by downloading and checking out the menu, etc. The menu system itself is quite easy to navigate and although it doesn’t hold your hand through entering your initial data, it’s simple and intuitive enough you’re not left confused and wondering what to do next. Once done, you’ll be able to access this data automatically on different sites that request it, always on your approval, of course. A pro that I feel is pretty unusual here, as well, is the fact that it offers to manage many of the more obscure bits of your “lifedata”, like your hunting license number or FTP account information. That alone makes it worth looking at, especially if other programs you’ve tried didn’t meet your needs. There is also mobile support for Ever Password so you’re not limited to using it at a desktop or laptop.
There are enough different programs out there of this type that your choice can come down to just one or two features, usually concerning comfort of use in one way or another. The thing I felt was outstanding about Ever Password in particular was not only how easy it was to use but also the extensive and user friendly FAQ on their site. Many programs of this type don’t have such complete or comprehensive FAQs and therefore many of your questions have to be answered through usage and practical testing, rather than just getting the info you want without the hassle of download and installation etc. Ever Password’s FAQ impressed me because it had every single question I was able to think of on it, which is rare enough as to be nearly unique for almost any program available for download on the Internet. I’d say that based on that alone Ever Password is worth at least checking out on their site. Until next time, my friends.
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