I saw this article written by Patrick Allan and i guess its worth sharing right here for you guys to be inspired.

When you
break a promise to someone else, you let them down and hurt your
credibility. That knowledge keeps you from promising something you can’t
do, and it pushes you to actually follow through. Breaking a promise to
yourself, however, can seem like no big deal in your mind because you
know you’re not letting someone else down. This can present a problem
where you may start to value other people’s needs a lot more than your
own, so you never take care of yourself. That lack of pursuit toward
personal well-being can lead to serious burnout, and even depression. To
counteract that, Michael E. Kibler at Harvard Business Review suggests
you start taking the promises to yourself just seriously as the promises
you make to others:
...we advise people to start by making one small but exceptionally meaningful promise to themselves—and to stick to it with 100% integrity. For example, if you decide that more time with family is most important to you, you might commit to eating dinner together at home three times a week for the next two weeks. And, if you successfully keep that promise, it should give you the confidence to try another: you might commit to walk for a half-hour every weekday, or to sharpen your presentation skills by tackling a public speaking course. Everyone knows the customer service principle “underpromise and overdeliver.” Treat promises to yourself in the same way.
Keep your
promises realistic and actively plan out a way to follow through. If you
don’t think you can do something, don’t promise yourself that you can.
Not only will you get to take care of your own well-being, but over time
you’ll also build up reliability in yourself. That self-reliance can
increase your confidence and help you take on new habits.
the link below.
Treat Promises to Yourself as Seriously as Promises to Others | Harvard Business Review
Photo by The Grim Atheist.
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