Your router’s web-based setup page allows you to change various settings — like your Wi-Fi network’s name and password — and view information. You’ll need your router’s IP address to access it.
On Windows, this is called the “default gateway” address. Macs, iPhones, and iPads simply call it your “router” IP address. Other devices may just call it your “gateway” address, or something similar.
First, open the Control Panel. On Windows 10 or 8.1, you can do this by right-clicking the Start button and selecting “Control Panel”.Your router’s IP address is the “Default Gateway” in your network connection information on Windows. You could use the ipconfig command in a Command Prompt window to find this IP address, if you like, but there’s also a graphical way to do it.
Click “View network status and tasks” under Network and Internet.

Click the name of your connection to the right of “Connections” at the top-right corner of this page.

Click the “Details” button in the window that appears and look for hte router’s IP address to the right of “IPv4 Default Gateway”.

Mac OS X
On a Mac, click the Apple menu on the bar at the top of your screen and select “System Preferences”. Click the “Network” icon.

Select your network connection — for example, Wi-Fi or a wired ethernet connection — and click the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the screen.

Click the “TCP/IP” tab. You’ll see your router’s IP address displayed to the right of “Router”.

iPhone and iPad
On an iPhone or iPad, open the “Settings” app, tap “Wi-Fi”, and tap the name of your Wi-Fi network. You’ll see the router’s IP address appear to the right of “Router”.

Many third-party Android apps will show this information, including Wi-FI Analyzer, which is also an excellent way to choose the ideal Wi-Fi channel for your router’s Wi-Fi network. If you have another network information app, just look for the “Gateway” IP address.Oddly enough, Android doesn’t provide a way to view thie network connection information out of the box.
Install Wi-Fi Analyzer, tap the “View” menu, and select “AP list”. At the top of this screen, you’ll see a “Connected to: [Network Name]” header. Tap that and a window will appear with more information about your netowrk. You’ll find the router’s address to the right of “Gateway”.

Chrome OS
On a Chromebook, click the notification area at right side of your taskbar, click the “Connected to [Network Name]” option in the list, and click the name of the wireless network you’re connected to.
Click the “Network” tab when the network information appears and look at the address to the right of “Gateway”.

This information is usually quite easy to find from a Linux desktop, too. Most Linux desktops will have a network icon in their notification area. You should usually be able to click this network icon and select “Connection Information” — or something similar. Look for the IP address displayed next to “Default Route” or “Gateway”.

This should be possible to find on other devices, too. Any device that allows you to connect to the network and view information about the network connection should display it. Just look under the network connection settings and examine the “Gateway” address.
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